
- All original work on this site is property of Abby Stewart (unless otherwise stated)
- The artwork on this site is NOT for free use by anyone

in terms of basebodies / dolls available in the pixel art area...

- If you use my bases provide a link back near the doll
- You may edit the bases in any way you wish as long as you credit
- You may adopt dolls, but do not redistribute them as your own... please credit me properly.
- Please do not hotlink/direct link from my site, this is unkind to my host
- DO NOT trace my dolls or bases or use parts of them to create your own... that is called "frankendolling" and no one likes it. :P

- If you wish to use my work in ANY way (aside from what I previously stated about basebodies) you MUST obtain permission from me via email or snail mail. Using my artwork without my express permission is illegal.
- Thank you. :)